Signs of hypertension: Are they related to your job?
When you think of on-the-job injuries, you might logically consider issues such as construction accidents, motor vehicle collisions or slips and falls in the workplace. While it’s true that tens of thousands of workplace injuries in California and beyond involve such incidents, it’s also true that there are many other types of injuries associated with the workplace that are not necessarily related to sudden accidents or isolated situations.
Is your job stressful? Whether you work in a high-risk industry for psychological stress, such as rescue work or on an emergency response team, or you work in an office for a boss who is overly demanding and quite intimidating at times, any number of work-related issues can lead to adverse health conditions, such as hypertension. If you suffer this condition as a job-related injury, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
What exactly is hypertension?
Another term for hypertension is “high blood pressure.” Severe or ongoing psychological stress can prompt this condition. If your blood pressure is too high, you may be at great risk for additional problems, such as stroke or heart disease. In fact, hypertension can lead to life-threatening situations, such as kidney failure, aneurysm or vascular disease.
How do you know if you have it?
One of the most dangerous aspects of hypertension is that it doesn’t always produce immediately apparent symptoms. However, if you suffer from recurring headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea or vision problems, it definitely warrants immediate medical examination to seek a diagnosis, which could wind up being high blood pressure.
Medical emergency
When your doctor measures your blood pressure, you may notice two numbers appearing on the screen. The first number is your systolic pressure, meaning a measurement of pressure when your heart ventricle contracts with each beat. The second number is called diastolic pressure and it measures arterial pressure between heartbeats, when your heart is at rest. If these numbers ever register at 220 mm Hg over 120 mm Hg, you are experiencing a medical emergency and possible life-threatening situation.
How this relates to workers’ compensation
When you become ill due to job-related stress, the insurance your employer purchases through the workers’ compensation program might cover your medical expenses and provide other benefits, such as financial provisions if you have to take time off work due to your condition. Navigating the workers’ comp process can be stressful as it is, which is why many California workers seek legal guidance and support to help them obtain the maximum amount of benefits to which they may be entitled.