What are common slip-and-fall injury causes?

Most workplaces have some form of slip-and-fall risk present. Identifying the sources of these risks is an important part of ensuring worker safety.

But how can a person identify these sources, and what preventative measures can a store take to reduce the risks once found?

Common trip causes

The CDC discusses common problems that lead to slip, trip and fall cases. These causes differ depending on the type of floor in an establishment.

With carpeted floors and floors with more texture, trips are more likely. Trips often happen because of uneven flooring or a sudden change from one type of flooring to another, such as carpet to tile. Defects in the flooring like uneven floorboards or sudden dips may contribute to falls, too.

Common slip causes

With slick floors, slips are more likely. This is especially true with floors that have water, such as areas near a front or back door during inclement weather. Improperly marked and recently cleaned floors also pose a problem, along with freshly waxed floors.

Other tripping hazards may exist on any type of floor. For example, leaving electrical cords out could easily create a problem. Cluttered areas, especially ones where it is difficult to see the floor, may cause trouble as well.

After identifying the sources of trouble, it is important to take steps to reduce the risks present. A good place to start is with cleaning up any clutter or errant wires. Creating smooth transitions from one floor surface to another can help, along with having proper signage for wet or uneven floors.

In this way, it is easier to protect people from slipping and falling.