Most workers in California and across the country are vested in ensuring that they are safe in addition to working to protect the safety of their co-workers. Despite their desires, they often are hampered in these endeavors by faulty equipment or a lack of appropriate...
Month: April 2020
Man dies as part of fall related to industrial accident
Many workers in California and across the country are very experienced at the jobs that they perform. They are often tasks that they have performed repeatedly, and they become almost second nature for them. Despite this skill and experience, however, they still face...
Multiple traumatic experiences often cause PTSD in firefighters
If you are a firefighter in California, you will likely be a good candidate for developing post-traumatic stress disorder. The rate of PTSD in first responders is reportedly higher than in any other occupation. While most people might deal with...
Helping California responders who suffer work-related injuries
All workers in California face risks when they report to work. However, first responders and peace officers face a variety of different hazards everyday that could ultimately result in serious harm. Often, they suffer work-related injuries due to the nature of their...
Family has questions after fatal work accident
The worse nightmare of a California parent is the loss of a child, regardless of that child's age. This loss is often compounded when it is preventable, especially when it is difficult to get answers about what happened. Unfortunately, a mother in another state is...