First responders in California put themselves in harm's way on a daily basis. Their role often exposes them to situations that can result in physical harm and psychological trauma. Recognizing the unique risks associated with these occupations, the state of California...
We’ve Got Your Back
Month: May 2023
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Los errores más devastadores para una solicitud de indemnización al trabajador
Una lesión laboral severa puede cambiar su vida para siempre en un instante. Un momento está cumpliendo con sus deberes laborales, y de golpe se encuentra con una lesión que le causa agonía física, costos médicos, semanas o meses en que no puede trabajar para sostener...
What is a repetitive strain injury?
Some work injuries happen suddenly, while others develop over time. Repetitive strain injuries take time to occur, but they can have a major impact on your abilities and quality of life. It is important for workers to understand these injuries and how they can affect...